Module 1: Determine your “Why”
Begin with the End in Mind (Second Habit from “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey”) & Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle.
Module 2: Determine your “What”
Your purpose and passion.
Module 3: Distinguish Yourself-Personal Branding
What makes you special?
Module 4: LinkedIn Profile
Link to lifetime career growth and success.
Module 5: Other Social Media
I am who the web thinks I am
Module 6: Why You Need Multiple (Paid) Internships
Experience gets you hired - discover what you like and don't like
Module 7: Determine WHERE to Seek Opportunities
Researching and finding organizations/companies/industries
Module 8: Seeking, Finding, Applying
Where do I go (efficiently and safely)
Module 9: Resume Template
Customization is king and queen
Module 10: Cover letter
Do I need one?
Module 11: Seize the Interview and Maximize It
Putting your best, confident, foot forward
Module 12: Evaluating and Accepting the Job Offer
Making choices and negotiating success
Module 13: Success (So-called Soft) Skills
Keys to lifetime career growth and success
Module 14: Life and Career Success Skills
“Life is a marathon, not a sprint."
Module 15: Adulting 101
Making a life, not just a living.
16: Ethical considerations & Lifetime Success
You are who you say and what you do; attitude = altitude..
17. Partnering with Artificial Intelligence.
Who moved my career?
Check out this great video detailing the 17 modules in the Career Compass Course --- training for the C3 Project.
Sense the value of taking the complete course by experiencing the first four modules.